You might be wondering…

What do I do?

I coach individuals and small teams. Mostly, business owners, executives, and entrepreneurs.

How does that work?

When I was a kid, I was on a swim team.

We went to competitions and tried to win races.

We had a coach.

I couldn't watch myself swim, but the coach could walk alongside the pool and see that maybe I was coming out of my turns too slow, or doing something funny with my left arm.

Things that I wouldn't have known if the coach hadn't pointed them out.

That allowed me to get better. Go faster. Coaching an individual or a business isn't much different.

The only thing that gets in your way is YOU, but it's really hard to see how you get in your own way. Even if you can see it, it can be even harder to do something about it.

To create lasting change.

I take every client through a series of conversations designed to uncover how they get in the way of whatever it is they want.

Then we set about the task of implementing small actions to create real change and growth. It's not a quick fix, but it works.

I love having conversations that make a difference. The goal of every client session is to shift something, open up an unseen possibility, illuminate a choice, shine a light, find a new action, lighten the load of something heavy...

Who is coaching for?

Running a business is challenging at best. It's easy to feel stuck, and when you do, who can you turn to?

My goal is to be the business partner who doesn't own a piece of your business. A trusted advisor who's standing only for your success. Whatever that is for you.

Sound good?

Now What?

Let's see if we're a fit. You can book a free coffee consult with me. We can have an informal chat about whatever challenges you're facing. No strings attached.

Just click the link below to book a call.

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